Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Half-Witted Criticism from Half-Empty Minds

It's come to my attention that our friends at the liberal Half Empty blog, in addition to fawning over the discredited global warming alarmism of Al Gore (not the dopey Gore, but the doughy one), have taken to attacking our fearless leader and the next Congresswoman from CD-22, Shelley Sekula Gibbs.

In a smug and misleading posting entitled "Sekula Gibbs Touts Racist Islamophobic Blog," this guy named Hal at Half Empty (just sounds like a Democratic blog, doesn't it?) not only tramples on one man's First Amendment rights, but also equates every questionable view he holds with Shelley Sekula Gibbs, simply because she links to an article on his Web site.

Shelley quoted the Rhymes with Right blog on her Web site to bring attention to a piece Rhymes with Right had written about Shelley raising grassroots cash while Nick Lampson was bathing in out-of-state special interest money (I know, I'm starting to confuse him with Pete Olson too).

Sure enough, Democrat bloggers fearful of a Sekula Gibbs victory in 2008 (it's inevitable) sought to discredit Shelley and affiliate her with views she clearly does not hold, using a handful of isolated postings from the Rhymes with Right site to create the illusion that Shelley Sekula Gibbs was somehow racist.

Link to a news article on someone's Web site and you're a racist? That's Democratic logic for you.

I can assure you that Shelley Sekula Gibbs is not racist, homophobic, bigoted or unkind to any of God's creatures. She was, in fact, married to someone of a different race than her, the late Sylvan Rodriguez, and she currently counts amongst her supporters people of different races, religions and orientations.

To throw around the label "racist" without any proof or supporting evidence is reckless and irresponsible. This is one of the many dirty tricks I expect to see Fort Bend Democrats pulling in the months ahead. What a shame.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know what's worse, the fact that Shelly's congressional staff walked out on her - pretty much guaranteeing her future congressional ineffectiveness, or the fact that that snide, snobby Pete Olsen moved into the district just to run for the race. It's pretty insulting that he thinks of all the people in CD-22, no one can decently represent us, so he had to pack his carpet bag and come to our rescue.
Nevermind, I definitely think that's worse.

Anonymous said...

Uh ok, yea Shelly only shows compassion to one another, she is a caring, nurturing, who are you to says she holds hate toward others. And Texas Oilman, maybe her staff was lousy? Did you ever think maybe they needed to walk out!
Big Lunz aka dat knuka

Hal said...

Oh this is such fun.

I get some "link love" from the Dark Side.

We have nine, count 'em 9 challengers in CD22. Look around. Nowhere near that number in any primary in any state in the nation.

TX CD22 is the focus in the nation, just as John "Bush Hugger" Cornyn's race against juggernaut Rick Noriega will develop.

Thanks, Bubba, for the attention.

Ever yours,

Hal at Half Empty

Anonymous said...

Since there are only three races
was Shelly's dead husband black or
asian? Because mexican is not a race.