Friday, November 30, 2007

In Defense of Shelley Sekula Gibbs

It seems some of my friends out in cyberspace think I haven't done a good enough job of communicating Shelley's accomplishments to you, my loyal readers. I'm happy you care enough to chime in. I thank you all for posting and I do value your comments.

This is for my friend Jake (and Jake, Pete Olson is the carpetbagger in this race, but I'll get more into that at a later date). Thanks for adding your thoughts, Jake.

As far as listing Shelley's accomplishments goes, I don't have nearly enough space to do it. But I'll try and come up with a couple of bullet points for you Pete Olson supporters out there, so you know who you're up against. I'll post some more of Shelley's greatest hits later.

I think it's important first to consider the fact that Shelley Sekula Gibbs is a winner who has already served ably in Congress. Even with all the post-DeLay fallout of last year, she won the special election of 2006 and finished out DeLay's term. She has already built a rapport with other members of Congress and served into the beginning of this year. She even had to deal with old DeLay staffers trying to make things difficult for her, and she still was fighting for our interests! (Clean the trash out, Shelley! Send 'em home if they don't want to get on board with a winner!)

She also had one hell of a showing in the general election of 2006, even though she was a write-in candidate who was not on the ballot. Think about that for a few seconds, in the post-DeLay era, she was able to deliver a tremendous showing as a write-in, meaning that people literally had to key in (correctly) 18 characters to vote for her, 19 if you count the hyphen in her last name! (I think she has since dropped the hyphen, but let's not make a big deal out of it.)

We love you Shelley, hyphen or no hyphen!

Shelley has proven that she's willing to walk through walls for the people of Congressional District 22, and she will continue to when we send her back to Congress.

Nick Lampson, you're a bozo. We got our eyes on you, buddy. Back to Beaumont you go!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another Also-Ran ... Dean Who?

And another person I've been hearing a lot about lately is this Dean Her... Dean Hur... Dean Who-is-this-guy-bacek character.

Seriously, when was the last time Dean Hrbacek won an election in CD22? In the '90s? Come on. And who can say his last name anyway. There's not even any vowels in it.

Move on over, Deano Machino, Shelley's a-comin' through!

Join the SSG Movement!!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and ate plenty of turkey (but not too much, gluttony is sinful). I had a good holiday myself, thinking about the biggest turkey in Congressional District 22, Pete Olson.

But enough about P.O. (short for P.O. Box, which is all he has in this district as far as I'm concerned). Today I'd like to talk about Shelley Sekula-Gibbs and the support she's getting in CD-22 and across America.

If you haven't visited the SSG Web site, let me encourage you to. It can be found at One of the best places on the site to learn about Shelley is the "Media Releases" section. I've got it bookmarked!

Now, don't let all those silly spelling errors distract you (I'm going to have to talk to Shelley about fixing those, don't you worry), the campaign has a lot going on and Shelley's got a lot to say.

Here is one of my favorite releases: Sekula Gibbs Proves She Is The Republican Candidte To Beat In TX 22. Guess who we've got supporting us? That's right, none other than John O'neil of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth fame! We are goint to Swift Boat Nick Lampson and Pete Olson and anybody else who gets in Shelley's way. Torpedoes everywhere! Who knows, John may even write another book: Unfit for Command 2: Swift Boat Veterans for CD-22! Hey, you never know.

One more and then I've got to run. This one is recent:
First Block Walk Nets Tremendous Support. That's right, we just had our first block walk in CD-22 and it was a huge, and I mean huge, success! We collected more than 250 signatures to get Shelley on the ballot. That's right, there are already more than 250 Shelley supporters throughout District 22, and that number grows by the day.

Like Shelley said, “With this kind of response I wouldn’t be surprised if we collected 5000 signatures!” And so we shall, Shelley. And so we shall!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Word of the Day


1. U.S. History. a Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War and became active in Republican politics, esp. so as to profiteer from the unsettled social and political conditions of the area during Reconstruction.

2. any opportunistic or exploitive outsider: Our bus company has served this town for years, but now the new one run by carpetbaggers from the city is stealing our business.
[Origin: 1865–70, Americanism; carpetbag + -er1; so called because they came South carrying their belongings in carpetbags]

—Related forms: car·pet·bag·ger·y, noun Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Welcome to the Carpetbagger Blog!

This is the inaugural edition of the Carpetbagger Blog. The Carpetbagger Blog represents all the people of Texas' 22nd Congressional District. I'm here for you guys, blogging about the issues you care about!

The purpose of this blog is to share with you all the importance of re-electing Shelley Sekula-Gibbs to the U.S. Congress and of not letting this ridiculous fellow Pete Olson come in from Washington and steal Shelley's seat with his money and connections. Who is this guy anyway?

You see, Shelley is a fifth generation Texan who has already ably served us in Congress, whereas Pete Olson is a LIFELONG BELTWAY RESIDENT who moved into the district at the last minute just to run for this Congressional seat, which as we know, belongs to Shelley.

Pete Olson did not (1.) Purchase his house, (2.) Register to vote in the district, or (3.) Register to drive in Texas until AUGUST 2007!!! We deserve better! We deserve Shelley!

I'll be back with more later. Re-elect Shelley Sekula-Gibbs in CD22!!!!!
