Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Word of the Day


1. U.S. History. a Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War and became active in Republican politics, esp. so as to profiteer from the unsettled social and political conditions of the area during Reconstruction.

2. any opportunistic or exploitive outsider: Our bus company has served this town for years, but now the new one run by carpetbaggers from the city is stealing our business.
[Origin: 1865–70, Americanism; carpetbag + -er1; so called because they came South carrying their belongings in carpetbags]

—Related forms: car·pet·bag·ger·y, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

1 comment:

Jake Messinger said...

Who in the district 22 race is a Carpet Bagger?

SSG: Born in Floresville, TX
Works in Houston.

Pete Olson: Born in Fort Lewis, Washington State, (son of a military man), moved to Seabrook, TX at age 10, attended Rice and UT. Moved back to Houston after miliaty career and career in Washington working for US Senators from Texas.

Dean Hrbacek: Born in Houston, TX
Lives and works in Sugar Land.

Nick Lampson, Beaumont, TX
Who cares, he is a democrat.

Ryan Rowley, LA County? Not specified in his own Blog Bio.
He looks like he is from here.

James Squier, Chicago, IL.
DING DING DING, here is the Carpet Bagger, except he moved to Texas when he was 3 years old, graduated from U of H, and has served as a Harris County Judge for the past 20 years. Probably not a carpet bagger.

Alan Steinberg, Houston, TX
The kid is too young to be a carpet bagger.

Robert Talton, Waldron, Arkansas (Clinton Country)

John Wieder, Alvin, TX??
Not sure even who this person is.
The only reference I find for him is in wikipedia.