Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Welcome to the Carpetbagger Blog!

This is the inaugural edition of the Carpetbagger Blog. The Carpetbagger Blog represents all the people of Texas' 22nd Congressional District. I'm here for you guys, blogging about the issues you care about!

The purpose of this blog is to share with you all the importance of re-electing Shelley Sekula-Gibbs to the U.S. Congress and of not letting this ridiculous fellow Pete Olson come in from Washington and steal Shelley's seat with his money and connections. Who is this guy anyway?

You see, Shelley is a fifth generation Texan who has already ably served us in Congress, whereas Pete Olson is a LIFELONG BELTWAY RESIDENT who moved into the district at the last minute just to run for this Congressional seat, which as we know, belongs to Shelley.

Pete Olson did not (1.) Purchase his house, (2.) Register to vote in the district, or (3.) Register to drive in Texas until AUGUST 2007!!! We deserve better! We deserve Shelley!

I'll be back with more later. Re-elect Shelley Sekula-Gibbs in CD22!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Watch for big news coming out of SSG soon!

Jake Messinger said...
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Jake Messinger said...

Are you calling Pete Olson a Carpet Bagger???

Pete Olson was living in Washington working as SENATOR John Cornyn's chief of staff for the last 4 years and before that, was on Phil Graham's staff. Before that, he was flying planes, defending our borders in the US Navy for 9 years. Before that he graduated from UT with a Law Degree and the day he passed the bar he joined the military. Before that, he attended Rice University on a Scholarship. Before that, he was born and grew up in Clear Lake. So Pete is FAR from a Carpet Bagger. He is FROM HERE! To say he is a Carpet Bagger is utterly ridiculous, since he was working In Washington representing THIS AREA, his HOME TOWN area.

Anonymous said...

Jake: Staffers don't "represent" anyone. That's an honor reserved for our elected officials.

Jake Messinger said...

I fail to see how your comment supports or refutes my assertion that Pete Olson is not a Carpet Bagger.

And I disagree anyway. Why do you think Pete chose those Senators to work for?

Anonymous said...

how many days has he lived in this district since he has been over the age of 18? thats is my question thats vallid

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott!